Thursday, October 19, 2006

freedom4life Productions Public Release

Congratulations to the team of Me at Productions, who for the first time since the dream of 2006 began, have we published our first Official 'shortCut'. It is an under four minute introduction to my website,

Last Sunday afternoon the thought came to mind, it's time to add video to my front page, all I have learnt in the past few weeks with YouTube, Google Video AU, Fireant and all I was hearing and seeing what I have been waiting for, an alternative to Global Porn, WebTV by anyone, for anyone, for any reason... have the thought, take some action, keep consistent with action, see it through to completion, complete whatever it is you started out doing, then Celebrate in your Success or your Valuable Lessons learnt. That's how this Blog Entry came to be. This 24 hour Internet Shift is almost over :) phew... for the first time ever, in all my jobs, I am enjoying every moment, even starting again at 95% completion... read about that on the video. Here, enjoy YouTube's Version of's Introduction.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Blog Upgrade Complete

Google has now released Blogger Beta. This Blog has just now completed this upgrade. Take a look - make a comment - add my RSS!

New Videos In Process.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Lucky Friday 13th

Representing the lucky country today at I am having 90% discount day! Be quick, help secure your place in history, and get this Site Alive!


Saturday, October 07, 2006

eBay Auctions

I started Five auctions just now at eBay. On the third listing I thought of value adding by including some donated Pixel space to give the site a kick start. Lets see what can happen in Three Days. Profits aid and the establishment of Kookaburra Cottage.

Christian and moonofearth_au