Saturday, April 30, 2005

eBay is Rocking! 35 items mostly of Brass

I have just completed @ eBay listing 35 items ranging from 99 cents to 29.99 mostly brass items. I initally tried with Door Knockers now various range including Curtain Holders.

If you have time, take a look in new tab/window at, moonofearth_au @ eBay to see my current range.
Hurry times running out, less than a week for about now.

Still havn't created a link to or where I have 1 minutes of my time available in .mp4s

Have not added video updates yet of current project. Should it be initally free or POA?

Cheers all, especially those in Gold Coast Queensland Australia! Lucky enough to get 2 long weekends in a row :)

Christian V4

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Stuck on Hurdles

I'm stuck on some hurdles at the moment with the planning of the trip. I have been finding it hard to get commitment from my mate who will be joining me on the tour and this has realy added alot of doubt into my mind. Over the past few weeks however I have come to the conclusion I should continue with the planning and if he doesn't join me maybe someone else will, either way I will continue planning and go it alone should it get to that stage. I know how great this land of Australia is and I have had the desire to 'see it all' for years so it's up to me to make it happen.

Over the last week it has been raining a lot here so that too has made me realise I won't have sunny weather for the whole year I travel and how will this affect my virtual tour photography? I'd like to be able to have perfect weather all year long for every photo but that just isn't realistic. If this is to be a true reality tour of OZ then I have to face the fact that sometimes it may rain and I might just have to capture that moment and show that even when it rains, this country still looks great! I'm sure that once I get out there I will also find more hurdles so the only thing I can do is jump the hurdles and do the best I can to get the best moment of the each day. Rain or no rain!